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What is CENTEX BEARCATS Athletics?

CENTEX Bearcats is a Christian homeschool organization established to encourage, support and build Christian character through the participation in extracurricular activities related to athletics.  CENTEX Bearcats is committed to providing quality athletic instruction and seeks to encourage the development of honorable character qualities and leadership skills within a team environment that will intentionally honor and glorify Christ.  Participation is open to families of all races and religions.  All CENTEX BEARCATS teams and activities are governed by policies based on traditional Biblical principles.  Members and participating families agree to abide by these principles.

What sports do you offer?

In our Inaugural season, we are pleased to announce the offering of Varsity 6-man football and Girls' Volleyball, as well as Varsity Softball and Track. We are hoping that as we continue to grow, we will be able to offer middle school opportunities in the same sports, and expand to Track and Field events.

Do all the players on your teams have equal playing time, or are you a competitive program?

We are a competitive program in which our coaches seek to win, although not to win at all cost.  We value Christian character and honorable conduct while at the same time, excellence and a winning tradition. Coaches decide which players play and for how long, to promote the success and best interests of the team.

Where do you practice and play games?

See our practice and game schedule on the website for more information specific to your team. Our teams travel across the region for away games against homeschool, private school, and Christian school opponents. Practice locations vary by team.

What are the participation costs and how is the money used?

CENTEX Bearcats is operated entirely by volunteers (mostly parents!) who give of their time to coach the teams and run the organization.  Participation fees vary based on the sport and level of play.  In addition to participation fees, parents provide their athlete’s transportation and meals for away games and tournaments.  We are looking to organize fundraising projects every year and provide information to help you seek sponsorships for your child from businesses and individuals.  Fees are paid online through our web site by debit or credit card, or by check or cash.  Our greatest expenses are for gym rentals, referees, and insurance, and we provide equipment and uniforms for our athletes. 

How do I pay my registration fees?
Registration fees can be paid at the time of registration through the secure website. If you prefer to use Venmo, you can send your payment to @CENTEX-BEARCATS

Are you in a league with other homeschool sports teams?

CENTEX Bearcats Athletics is an independent athletic organization for homeschool students and students who attend a school that does not offer the sport in which they desire to participate.

Do you have college-bound athletes in your program?

As an organization we are committed to providing both an excellent experience for homeschooled students who seek a quality athletics extracurricular activity, as well as to fostering the training and development of college-bound homeschooled student-athletes. We are very excited to share that this year one of our athletes has been recruited by and signed with the Univeristy of Arkansas - Pine Bluff!

Do parents volunteer to help run the organization, or can I drop my child off for practices and games?

CENTEX Bearcats is a very hands-on organization for our parents as well as our players, and parent volunteering is a must!  We have jobs suited to the most experienced as well as the newest members, and we offer training for anyone who wants to learn a new skill or brush up on an old one.  Most parents volunteer on their child’s team, but there are many opportunities to help the Bearcats as an organization, from fundraising and publicity to being an assistant coach to coordinating our web site to serving on the Board of Directors.

What jobs are there in the program as a whole?

CENTEX Bearcats a growing organization with lots of opportunities.  There are many opportunities for you to get involved and have fun! If you are interested in becoming a part of the amazing and growing team of volunteers, please speak with your coach or contact for ways you can volunteer. 

Who do I go to first if I have a question during the season?

The best place to start is the website and team app. All practices and games are posted in these locations.  Your coach is also a wonderful resource for answering questions along the way. 

If I have a complaint or issue with someone or something in the organization, who should I go to about it?

CENTEX Bearcats has a Conflict Management/Resolution process for all members to use.  It is posted on the Web site.  However, we ask first and foremost that our members follow Biblical principles in these matters: first go directly to the one who has offended you in hope of a direct resolution, avoid gossip, and always speak the best.

Who are your current Board members and how can I reach them?

Board members are listed on the website.

Board Members
Ms. Cheryl Heflin
Ms. Elizabeth Sanders
Ms. Mary Rigsby
Ms. Becky Vernon